Written for ACCLAIM, published in 2015

Photography: Courtesy Of Dillon Francis
Words: MJB

You may remember Dillon Francis from such social media channels as Instagram, SoundCloud, Facebook and Twitter. Or perhaps you’ve gone ‘One Deeper’ with his European counterpart DJ Hanzel, or encountered the ratchet valley girl, Becky. Still not with it? Then it’s likely that you know him as the LA-based, Mad Decent-signed producer who just got booked for an unheard of second consecutive year at Coachella. He’s playing Australia’s Big Day Out before then, so if you don’t know him, then you have less than two weeks to figure it out. We did the hard work for you, and hit up Dillon Francis for the facts.

Hey Dillon! I’m eating oats with a tiny spoon and I really want to talk to you about Instagram.

Perfect! [Laughs.]

Okay so I just want to know - Is there anything that you actually give a fuck or shit about?

Probably not.  My Mom? That’s about it.

What about your Dad?

I give a shit about my Dad too. But my Mom is like my support system. 

Who is your Dad?

He’s an alternative medicine doctor.  He’s alive and well. My parents are still together.

Is he DJ Hanzel’s dad as well then?

No. DJ Hanzel’s Dad is this German guy. I don’t know much about him, DJ Hanzel doesn’t really talk about him.

Awesome, well that’s all the important shit out of the way. So, what about DJ awareness? Is that still something that you’re fighting for?

That was just this one time. It was just me passing out tacos to people, so I could let them know where I was playing.

Did you see any tangible results from doing it? Do you feel like you made an impact, made a difference?

Yeah, I fed homeless people.  They didn’t come to my show though.

What about producer awareness? People are always running their mouths about the differences between DJs and producers. Do you think producers are worth fighting for?

Nah. Nobody needs producer awareness – they’re doing alright. They’re fine.

What would you categorize yourself as? I feel like musicians are always having this same identity crisis.

Definitely both. DJ/Producer. I started out DJing and then became a producer. 

I’ve always wondered this, but what is the term for a DJ that plays their own produced material? 

I think that’s just being a DJ because you honestly have to produce your own music now to be able to DJ at these big events.  Like you need your own tracks so that people want to come out of their way to hear you play.

Okay this might get scandalous, but can we talk about Becky or is that too sensitive of a topic?

Oh, yeah for sure!

So what’s the deal with you and her? On Facebook, what would you list as your relationship status? 

Becky is just a crazy girl. You won’t ever find her not in a club. 

So how does your living arrangement work between Becky, DJ Hanzel and yourself?

We all sleep in the same bed. 

So it’s a polyamorous relationship then? 

No. It’s just me, Becky and DJ Hanzel. DJ Hanzel is asexual so it works out.

Becky is always wearing a hoodie. I’m surprised she doesn’t complain considering it’s always warm in LA. Is it because she’s a HDYGRL?

I guess she is. She is unknowingly a HDYGRL!

You mentioned that she’s always at the clubs - is she down for Flosstradamus? 

No, she doesn’t know any bands or DJs. She doesn’t research stuff like that. She just goes to top 40 nightclubs. She’s definitely a top 40 nightclub type of girl.

While we’re on the topic of Flosstradamus. I know DJ Hanzel doesn’t really like them. How is he going to cope considering they are coming out to Australia with you to play Big Day Out?

He’s probably just going to be really mad. I don’t think he likes Australia. He definitely does not like Flosstradamus.   So he’s going to be pissed off the entire tour.

Are you personally excited to be coming back to Australia?

Hell yeah, I fucking love Australia! I’ve only been this one time though.

The Big Day Out tour will be pretty hectic. Is there anything you’re keen to do while you’re here?

I just want to see some koalas.

Everyone always wants to see koalas. Nobody ever has any interest in kangaroos. I think we need a kangaroo awareness program.

I can help you guys out with that. To be honest though, kangaroos seem like assholes.

They actually are. But to be honest, koalas might look cute, but all they do is eat and sleep. Oh, and a lot of them have chlamydia. Be careful, you don’t want to catch anything.

Yeah, I heard they’re assholes as well. Oh. I definitely do NOT want to contract any diseases. 

When you’re in Sydney you will be playing on a boat! Are you excited about that? 

Yeah, I’m on a boat high right now. I’m going on a boat for Holy Ship and then I go to Australia and go back on a boat again! It’s going to be awesome.

In terms of your set, do you have any ocean-themed tracks in mind? The Titanic theme song or maybe The Love Boat?

That’s a good idea! I should try to incorporate the Titanic theme song, maybe do a remix? I think people would be down.

What about taking it to the next level – maybe dressing up in costume, as a pirate or mermaid or something?

I hate DJing in costume. I get too hot and I have to take it off!

I guess a boat is a perfect context to be getting undressed then?

So I should wear a costume then, so I can get undressed.

These should make for some good Instagram opportunities

Oh, I am so ready for them. 

What do u think about Instagram videos? This whole 16 seconds thing is like the new 15 minutes of fame. Are you going to become the instagram Andy Warhol? 

To be honest, I don’t think I’m better known for my Instagram videos than my music, they’re just a bonus I guess.

Musicians are fucking with multiple vices now, maybe moving forwards into TV might be something you might gravitate towards?

I’ve always wanted to since I was younger, it’s definitely something I want to do, but I want to wait until the right time. 

I saw that DJ Hanzel had opened for you recently. Is that something he will be doing at Big Day Out, or is that not allowed?

No, I don’t think so. It only works on my solo tours, because he’ll piss everyone off. Plus Big Day Out is during the daytime. 

Do you think that there is anything that DJ Hanzel is better at than going ‘One Deeper’? 

No. I honestly think that the only thing he is good at is going ‘One Deeper’. 

But where does it end? How do you go ‘One Deeper’ than ‘One Deeper’ if there is always ‘One Deeper’ than that?

No. DJ Hanzel can ALWAYS go ‘One. Fucking. Deeper.’

Is Australia ‘One Deeper’?

Actually, going to Australia is pretty much going ‘One Deeper’ – but then you can still go deeper than that.


